JB Curry


5tbl oil 1 tsp turmeric
2 fine chopped garlic cloves or equiv dried etc 1 inch fine chopped ginger or powder equiv
2 tsp mustard seed 6 big toms or 1/2 tin
1 tsp fenugreek 440 ml Coconut milk – 100g powder
1 green chille (deseeded diced) To add to the sauce pieces cut into bite size chunks :

I have used Turkey, Chick, Beef, Lamb , Potato, Carrots , Aubergine , Onion — Basically anything I have laying around.

1 hand curry leaves To Serve
1 inch ginger grated Coriander leaves
3 onions chopped Yoghurt
1 tsp chilie powder

When I use a meat, I cube it and sear it in a frying pan. Set aside until later.

Veg I have tried, potato, carrots, aubergine,  swede, parsnips, turnips etc. Basically anything bulky enough to survive the cooking.

Sometimes, I add various beans. Red Kidney, haricot, chick pea , black eyed etc.  I buy dried in which case make sure they are pre soaked. When adding small beans delay adding them or they break up and turn to mush in cooking.

Mix the powder spices and mustard seeds.

Pre chop onions, ( if using fresh , chop garlic and ginger ).  This will make it less of a rush once things start.

Add oil to pan add in the spice / seed mix.  Heat slowly until they pop.

Add 1/2 the onions ,  garlic , ginger  ( if using powder add it to the powder mix above ) to the pan, turn the heat up until you get a gentle fry.

Stir from time to time until onions soft and translucent.

I use  a choppy blender stick or put into a liquidiser etc blitz until a lumpy paste.

Put back into the pan and cook gently for a couple of mins. Constantly stiring / mixing.

Add in the toms and coconut milk.

Slowly bring to a boil and keep the pan simmering.

This is where I add the meat and veg, including the remaining onions from earlier.

Add a decent hand full of curry leaves and stir in.

Let bubble for hours, Sometimes I put in the oven and sometimes leave on the hob.

Time varies depending on the qty and size of veg bits.

Give it a stir every now and then, add moisture if needed.- water is fine.

End result should be creamy curry.

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