General Items
[table caption=”Ingredients” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”left|left|center|left|right”]
Item No,Qty,Description
1,1,Tin Toms
3,1,Clove Garlic
4,1/4 tsp,Pepper
5,1/4 tsp,Salt
6,1/2 tsp,Paprika
7,2 tsp,Oregano
8,1/2 tsp,Worcester Sauce
9,1kg,Harricot Beans( soaked or rehydrated – I prefer in a simple stock to rehydrate in slow cook pot)
10,1 tsp,Parsley
Soak / Rehydrate Beans ( 4 hours high, 6 low in a slow cook).
Gentle fry onion to soft, add garlic , pap, pepper, salt
Add tin toms
Bring to simmer for a few mins.
Add herbs and everything else except beans
Puree ( choppy thing) the mix.
Add beans and I add the stock used to rehydrate beans.
Thats It.