I enjoyed this. We mostly had it for Thursday dinner cooked by Mum.
Mum had learnt it from her Mother , my Nan.
- Lamp chops were our family favourite. I have also tried this with pork and beef.
- 2 tbl Shop Dried Mixed Herbs or if you mix by hand- Thyme, Marjoram, Oregano, Parsley, Sage and Basil. I would use about 1 tsp of each.
- I often use various herbs based on what I have available.
- Adjust the qty to your taste.
- 1 Onion – Chopped
- 1 Carrot – sliced / chopped , what ever
- As many as you want smallish potatoes halved
- Any other root veg such as swede, parsnips, turnips etc all cut to a reasonable bit size.
- 1 Clove Garlic – Crushed.
- I like to add a small splash of Worcester Sauce – But this is not how my Mum or Nan made it.
- Gravy thickening flour. I use Bisto gravy browning powder. Corn flour works equally well. Add about 3tsp to a small cup. Mix with enough water to make a very thick paste.
- Pre – heat an oven to 170 C for normal cooking. It can be as low as 130C if you want to cook it slowly.
- Place the chops in a large oven proof pan or dish which has a lid.
- Add the onion, garlic, carrots, spuds and any other veg.
- Cover with hot water. I fill as much as the oven dish or pan can take.
- But I do really like the gravy 🙂
- Stir in the thinking paste you made earlier. Make sure it well mixed in or you will end up with lumpy gravy.
- During cooking its worth give it all a quick stir from time to time. Mostly leave it alone to get on with cooking.
- If using 170C it should be done after 1:30 to 2 hours.
If your using 150C about 4 hours.
If your using 130C pretty much as long as you like. - VERY IMPORTANT —– DO NOT LET IT BECOME DRY. THERE MUST ALWAYS BE A COVERING OF LIQUID.
OR - I sometimes use a slow cooker instead of an oven. The method is the same. It gives a different texture to the meat and also as it cooking for so long it gives a chance for the flavours to fuse together well. It also give a chance for the veg to give their flavour to the cooking juice and also absorb the overall flavour well.
- I still switch between oven and slow cooking depending on my mood at the time.
If I am working out all day, the slow cook pot is good to come home to.